Hi BluesBrother, Yes in was real interesting growing up. My father was studying with JW's when he met my mother were he worked. She was already associated with the Bible students from my Grand Mother who was a Polish Immagrant and became associated with them soon after arriving in this country. I think it was before the split, but I'm not sure and my mother doesn't know either. The brothers had advised that he not marry her, that was in 1951. He was baptised in 1950. My mother never changed, which was what my father was hoping. My sister and I attended both meetings, alternating, and they left it up to her and I to choose which place we would continue to go to. We both stuck with the Borg, although I don't remember making that dicision. My mother came with us to a few assemblies, the first of which was on their honeymoon at Yankee Stadium for that hugh assembly that the Borg always brags about.
They never seemed to bother my Dad about it, however it did take him years before qualifying to be an elder. I think he has been an elder since 1973 or so, I don't recall. I can't say much about him hear because I do not want to jeopordize him in any way, I'll just say he's a cool guy and was a great father. Never pushed me to do the JW thing at all. He is now 80 years old and is limited to his involvement due to poor health and old age.
My mother is in Hell living in Tn. We were from Ct, and that's were most of her people still are. Only a few left, which gives their views validity, because they feel they are of the "heavanly Class". She only has phone contact and tape recorded talks. She does mailings of literature to people from the obituaries in the paper, just sermon stuff. She has had contact one time in Chattanooga at one of her conventions a few years ago, about 15 or 20 people attended and a speaker from the north that she used to know years ago was there, so she was happy, but since then she misses being back North.
Well...that's it in a nut shell.
Heaven, Thanks for your comments and advice, I really appreciate it.